<% $m->comp('SELF:form_helpers') %> <%perl> if ($m->session->{loggedin}) { $m->redirect("/account/"); } my $email = $ARGS{l_email}||$m->session->{'l_email'}; my $user = $ARGS{l_user}||$m->session->{l_user}; my $first = $ARGS{l_first}||$m->session->{l_first}; my $last = $ARGS{l_last}||$m->session->{l_last}; if ($ARGS{submit}) { $m->comp('SELF:process_submit', %ARGS); }
% if ( $m->comp("/func/setting", name => "humancheck_honeypot_newaccount_active" ) ) {
If you see this field, then you have an old browser that doesn't
support CSS, leave this field blank, and upgrade your web browser:
% } <%perl> if ( $m->comp("/func/setting", name => "humancheck_iptime_newaccount_active" ) ) { $m->session->{human_ip} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; $m->session->{human_time} = time; } my $checked= ($ARGS{'list_id'})?($ARGS{'list_id'}):0;
<% $m->comp("/func/formElements.cp:displayCountry", countryExisting => $ARGS{country}) %>

<% 'create_account_contact_disclaimer' |x %>

<% 'privacypolicy_body'|x %>
Already have an account? Sign in
%# {{{ <%method process_submit> <%perl> my $created = 0; my %errors = (); my $message = ''; my @reqFields = qw( l_user l_first l_last l_pass l_pass_repeat l_email country ); my $l6contact = ($ARGS{'list_id'} eq "on")?"yes":"no"; if ( $m->comp("/func/setting", name => "humancheck_honeypot_newaccount_active" ) ) { # This field better be empty... if ( $ARGS{hcdata} ) { $errors{'captcha'} .= "Sorry, You're not a human.
"; } } if ( $m->comp("/func/setting", name => "humancheck_iptime_newaccount_active" ) ) { # this form has been loaded for more than an hour, they're not human: if ( time - $m->session->{human_time} > 60*60 ) { $errors{'captcha'} .= "Sorry, we don't think you're a human.
"; } # form submitted from a different IP than it was served to. if ( $m->session->{human_ip} ne $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} ) { $errors{'captcha'} .= "Sorry, you are trying something bad.
"; } } #passwords match? if ($ARGS{'l_pass'} ne $ARGS{'l_pass_repeat'}) { $errors{'l_pass'} = "Your passwords don't match."; } #shout "ERRORS: ",\%errors # if scalar(%errors); # Add User if no errors if ( not scalar keys %errors ) { my $sourceRef = 'WEB_SIMPLE'; my $country = $ARGS{country}; if ($country eq '') { $country = uc($REQ->geo_country); $country = $dbi->get('code from countries where code = ?', $country); } $country ||= 'US'; my $user = new L6::User dbi => $dbi; $user->create( user => $ARGS{'l_user'}, first => $ARGS{'l_first'}, last => $ARGS{'l_last'}, country => $country, password => $ARGS{'l_pass'}, session_id => $m->session->{'_session_id'}, email => $ARGS{'l_email'}, l6Contact => $l6contact, optout_email => $ARGS{list_id}?0:1 ); unless ( $user->error ) { $created = 1; my $langs_id = $dbi->get('langs_id from sites_languages sl left join languages l on l.id = sl.languages_id where sl.sites_id = ? order by sl.priority asc limit 1', $m->session->{sites_id}); $user->set(langs_id => $langs_id); $user->lists_replace( qw(1 33 34 35 36 ) ) if $ARGS{list_id}; # send notify email my $mailer = new L6::User::Message user => $user; my $message_ref = 'new_l6_account'; $mailer->create(messages_ref => $message_ref, brand => 'line6'); $mailer->send ( fill_vars => { updateaccounturl => $CONF{'L6C_URL'} . "/account/index.html", forgoturl => $CONF{'L6C_URL'} . "/account/forgot.html?user=$ARGS{'user'}"}); $message = sprintf("


", $m->interp->apply_escapes('account_created','x'));; if ($mailer->error) { $message .= 'However we did experience a problem sending your confirmation email. If you would like to request an email with your account information be sent you can do so from our account recovery page.'; } } else { $message = "There was some problem, please contact customer support.
". $user->error_full . "
"; } } # Log in the new account ############################ if ($created ) { $ARGS{'action'} = 'login'; $ARGS{'done'} = $m->session->{'loginReturnPage'}||"/account/"; $m->comp("/func/login_handle.cp", %ARGS); $m->redirect("/account/"); } elsif (keys %errors || $message ne '') { #errors processing request $m->comp('/common/alert.cp', errors => \%errors, message => $message); } %# }}} %# {{{ method form_helpers <%method form_helpers> %# }}} <%once> use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);